Headlands Open House Gallery

Still riding high after my first Open House at Headlands Center for the Arts on Sunday, July 29th. Thanks to my husband, daughter and ten friends (three not down here) for gracing me with their presence, making for wonderful day. Keep going to see the gallery of photos from my studio installation based on themes… Continue reading Headlands Open House Gallery

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Categorized as The Skinny

And now…moving on…My letter to the Young Folk

I’m impressed with how you are engaged and involved with today’s political & social issues. I’m hopeful for America’s future because YOU are that future. And yet it breaks my heart to see you filled with stress at having to witness the moral degradation of late. Exhausted from the two-year fiasco we’ve endured we’re also… Continue reading And now…moving on…My letter to the Young Folk

The First Bite

America has a multitude of best-kept secrets. The Albany Georgia Civil Rights Movement  is one of them. It started in the fall of 1961. I was seven years old, and my late sister, Betty, was just shy of twelve.To my knowledge our late parents—like most of the more than 20,000 blacks in Albany at the… Continue reading The First Bite

Pins & Needles!

I hope you and yours are coping as well as you can with COVID-19. Two things: #1. This is last call for this site—I will be retiring peachseedmonkey.com by March 1, 2021. You haven’t heard from me in a while on this site because, as many of you know, I have a NEW site: anitagailjones.com.… Continue reading Pins & Needles!

5/1/19: Reading at E.M. Bookstore: Oakland

I will be reading from my novel manuscript, Peach Seed Monkey, this Wednesday, May 1st at E.M. Wolfman Bookstore. Hope you can come—bring friends & family!Read about this exciting event on AnitaGailJones.com!

Categorized as The Skinny

World Book Day

Read new post on my new site and subscribe while there! https://anitagailjones.com/world-book-day/

Categorized as The Skinny

AnitaGailJones.com: Now Live!

Thanks in large part to your faith in this work, Peach Seed Monkey begins searching for our publisher, and I’m pulling back curtains to show my own backstory, and little known facts. AGJ.com has lots of new content, photos, audio/video and more. A fellow writer and dear friend and I are heading to a mega… Continue reading AnitaGailJones.com: Now Live!

Categorized as The Skinny

New Look—New Lease…

As of this Friday, The Ides of March*—I will be moving to a new site—Anita Gail Jones—in preparation for query process kick off at AWP conference in two weeks. Always, thankful to you for following PSM. I cherish our visits inside the warm wood walls (alliteration couldn’t be helped), but WordPress has retired this theme… Continue reading New Look—New Lease…

Categorized as The Skinny

On the Move…

Long time, no see! Heading to Portland, Oregon later this month for the AWP Conference, but first, let me tell you this, which you won’t believe: For over two months, I’ve been immersed in a mind-numbing, tedious but extremely rewarding pass back through my manuscript to rein in my overuse of “the”.  Yep. What can… Continue reading On the Move…