You should see the bush—scraggly, wilted khaki-colored leaves—somehow still producing a few of the sweetest, most flavorful yellow pear tomatoes. This little fella dressed himself in this outfit. HE borrowed the feather from the clematis vine growing next door. She has gone to seed and everywhere there was once a small yellow blossom is now an explosion of fluffy, cotton-like seed pods.
Thanks to my husband, Rob, for helping stage the shot.
The sleepy fall garden offers so much to wake up our senses…
Nature is so pretty
how cute
So sweet!
It’s amazing what we see when we look at the smallest of details. Glad you had tomatoes. My garden was a buffet for raccoons this year. The good news is, they don’t eat butternut squash!
What an amazing photo. Reminds me of so much beauty in the world.
oh, how I love this., AJ. I’ve been out preparing my garden for tonight’s expected first frost, picking the last little red cherry tomatoes–delicious but not as nifty looking as this guy! lee
Nice work in opposites[the last line]! Can’t believe you have time to blog too.
The little fairies of life that we can all still believe in.
Blessed be!
Too dern cute!!!