Solstice Offering ~ In light of homelessness

Sunrise: Nanyuki, Kenya by Miranda Roehrick ©2012

Wherever you dwell on the planet, just as we share the same inscrutable sun, we share a dire universal problem ~ homelessness.

Ray Charles sang: “None of us are free if one of us is chained ~ none of us are free”.  

I live in Marin County, California—just across the Golden Gate from San Francisco—where the divide between the ultra rich and the homeless could not be wider.

Here to share my article published yesterday in the Marin Independent Journal: “Helping Homeless must move past ‘Shelter from the Storm’ 



  1. I wish people could understand the complexity of homelessness because it would allow them more compassion. Something as simple as looking at them and smiling as Anita mentioned in her article. You are acknowledging them as human beings and they appreciate your not making them invisible. there are so many things that bring people to living without homes, lack of education, loss or job, rent increases, mental issues which includes our health system that will leave people to manage their meds who don’t have the capacity to do so. I have worked with the homeless with art therapy classes and I have a family member who has dealt with homelessness. It is wrong to simplify it as laziness. Those who fall into that category are such an incredibly small percentage of the homeless. See the documentary film Dark Days by Marc Singer to have a better understanding of the problem.

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