Sandy Hook Promise ~ Do not turn away

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As we come to the close of 2016, it’s impossible to make sense of a world where kindergartners, unharmed citizens and church worshipers are gunned downed. In the spirit of Gandhi’s charge to Be the change you want to see in the world, I salute Sandy Hook Promise; a non-profit created by members of the Newtown, Connecticut community in response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Let us join together to encourage and support sensible solutions that help prevent gun violence in our communities and our country.

Toward that end, Sandy Hook Promise has produced Evan, a provocative, heartrending video that must be shared. My thanks to blog follower and dear friend, Tom for bringing it to my attention.







  1. A productive way to expend energy is to work with this groupπŸ‘~ as always thank you Anita for bringing things into focus πŸ‘πŸ’₯

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