We had a party tonight to celebrate President Obama accepting the nomination, and since he was coming to our den ~ I baked a red velvet cake! I got pretty excited during his speech; it had the same cadence and rhythm of the sermons I grew up hearing at 2nd Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Albany, GA. Made me wanna “shout”! What a difference between what happened in Tampa compared to Charlotte.
Oh..Anita, it took me back to that cold day in January ….or was it Feb on the nite we met and saw Obama’s speech…..I was soooo happy tonight ~ especially seeing all the people at the convention….in the audience….I felt like they were my kinda folks (which is all kinds of folks) and really the whole feel of the convention calmed and excited me after the stomache ache I was getting over the Rep Con…..Michelle was soooo wonderful and even Clinton made me happy…..YAY!!!! xoxoxo Tura
Y betcha. Cake looks great.
Sent from my iPhone please excuse any typos!
Marcia McLean (415) 246-1994 cell
Cool cake! The best point he made was that the people drive the change, not the politicians. The politicians as a class have their own interests they pursue. So it won’t do any good to say not enough has been done. It is built into the system that not much gets done. Only if people pay attention and are involved–same as in the civil rights movement–if the people weren’t in the streets, the politicians would have delayed things until they were forced to move. Obama made that point really well, saying to the audience that THEY are responsible for even the small changes that have been made, and that is about the size of it.