LIKE my page on Facebook

If you’re on Facebook please help me out by LIKING my page. I’m shooting for 100 LIKES by Christmas.

Confused about this “Like” business?
Bottom line: search engines (ie. Google, et al)  are impressed by lots of “LIKES” and rank such pages higher in search results, meaning more visibility.

As I revise the novel, I’m also working to build future readership.

The publishing world ain’t what it used to be; we writers have to fend for ourselves. Enter social media!

Thanks for your help.

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  1. Jack said it all. I need a link to FB to post a “like” My son just launched a website in Sacramento. It’s similar to groupon. They are trying to get venture capital funding to take the site national. The more people registered to the site the more funding they get. Go to site and put in password and e mail. It takes less than a minute and gives you $10 of free credits. Click on reveal price on a gold auction. You need to do that for it to count for a valid registration. Please do this so he can take care of me in my old age.

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