Spring and 50 Years After Bloody Sunday

Boys at a Zydeco Festival, Sausalito, CA 2013: Photo: Anita Jones


Spring is my favorite time of the year (granted I say this when fall colors burst, and again when winter brings sleep and I can see the garden’s skeleton and of course in lush June when I turn another year older) but really…Spring is my favorite and it’s springing like crazy right now in our garden. I’m laying low after knee surgery last Friday and this weekend our President and my Congressman Jared Huffman join tens of thousands in Selma, Alabama to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday. I’m so grateful for the garden; it teaches us to balance  good with  bad and keep moving forward. That said, look one more time at the Zydeco Boys  above: it says everything I want to believe about America: black boys living free and safe under the star spangled banner. Now read some more sad truths about America in Ari Berman’s insightful report:

Ari Berman

50 Years After Bloody Sunday, Voting Rights Are Under Attack | The Nation.


Balance ~

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Flowering plum and irises, front yard, northern California. March 2015


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