As of this Friday, The Ides of March*—I will be moving to a new site—Anita Gail Jones—in preparation for query process kick off at AWP conference in two weeks.
Always, thankful to you for following PSM. I cherish our visits inside the warm wood walls (alliteration couldn’t be helped), but WordPress has retired this theme and, even though this blog will still be around for a few months, it’s time to move on.
Look for your invite to visit/subscribe to — meantime, here’s a little OPEN HOUSE surprise just for PSM subscribers: preview screening of freshly cut video.
Feel free to share/invite friends to follow: agents, editors and publishers will be checking out how many people I have in my corner:
*Friday is also the birthday of faithful PSM subscriber, Vivian to whom I am forever grateful for support since the early, early drafts, including hosting a reading in her home. Happy Birthday, Vivian!