OK all you writers out there. Today is the day to put the butt in the chair and WRITE ON! Because after all is said and done, after all the groups, courses, classes, workshops, how-to books, tweets and ~ yes ~ blogs, that is STILL what you have to do….check out this serious pep talk… Continue reading Serious Pep Talk
Author: Anita Gail Jones
Freedom Singers Performance at the White House in 2010
I’m betting you didn’t catch this two years ago. Left to Right: Toshi Reagon on guitar joining her mother: Bernice Johnson Reagon, Charles Neblett and Rutha Harris: three of
Movie Review ~ Beasts of the Southern Wild
Quvenshané {qua•VEN•zha•nay} Wallis was born to play Hushpuppy, the plucky little protagonist in this film I mentioned in an earlier post: Beasts of the Southern Wild, a radiant frenzy of a film about a lost child finding her way by following the pulses around her. And everything has a pulse in this film: the drills above… Continue reading Movie Review ~ Beasts of the Southern Wild
Update ~ Sundance Prospects
Nothing fancy, plain post. Taking a blog holiday for good reason ~ Got some news ~ On May 1st I submitted my screenplay adaptation of Peach Seed Monkey to Sundance Institute
Underwater Sculptures ~ Unique and Indelible
It seems that sculptor Jason deCaires Taylor’s path chose him. Born to an English father and Guyanese mother—he spent much of his childhood exploring the coral reefs of Malaysia. Now he uses art to help replace disappearing reefs with artificial ones to rejeuvenate the marine environment. But oh my goodness…you have to see for yourself… Continue reading Underwater Sculptures ~ Unique and Indelible
The Story of Change
Now THIS is what I’m talkin’ about! Activist Annie Leonard of the Story of Stuff Project uses the long arm teachings of Gandhi and the American Civil Rights Movement to make her point in newly released movie.
Head Off and Split ~ Poems by Nikky Finney
A while back in my Skinny Widget, I posted video of Nikky Finney—born Lynn Carol Finney—accepting the 2011 National Book Award for Poetry, her speech —a poem itself—is already legendary for its power and originality. (Scroll down to see it). Many of you missed that Skinny so I’m back to bring more attention to her… Continue reading Head Off and Split ~ Poems by Nikky Finney
The Poolroom was an Institution
By Guest Blogger Peter de Lissovoy I met Peter in Albany on research trip, June 2011, during the 50th Anniversary of the Albany Civil Right’s Movement. He worked with SNCC in Albany during the 60s and graciously agreed to write this guest post: Well I wasn’t much of a pool player, but the poolroom was… Continue reading The Poolroom was an Institution
News from Miranda in Kenya!
This made my day… As many of you know, our daughter, Miranda, is near Nairobi, Kenya at Daraja Academy on a service learning trip with a group from her school, Marin Academy. Each student checked a 50 lb personal bag and a 50 lb bag of donations—almost one ton of donated items—including the bean bag… Continue reading News from Miranda in Kenya!
Trees make drafts come true
I’m grateful for generous friends with a well-appointed cabin in the woods of Nicasio where I hit the 5-8 mark a week ago today a gift of quiet so quiet I could hear myself write, stop mid sentence to nap, wake and pick up where I left off.