I hope you and yours are coping as well as you can with COVID-19. Two things: #1. This is last call for this site—I will be retiring peachseedmonkey.com by March 1, 2021. You haven’t heard from me in a while on this site because, as many of you know, I have a NEW site: anitagailjones.com.… Continue reading Pins & Needles!
Category: The Skinny
We Homeschooled for Seven Years: Tips from “Ms. Mama”
These are surreal times. Due to COVID-19, we are all traveling down a road never before taken; and you may also find yourself homeschooling without a net. I offer these tips to help ease the journey
Last of Our Palindrome Days
Howdy, howdy! It’s been a while. Hope you and yours are surviving our crazy presidential election process. Take a break and read my new post on anitagailjones.com
5/1/19: Reading at E.M. Bookstore: Oakland
I will be reading from my novel manuscript, Peach Seed Monkey, this Wednesday, May 1st at E.M. Wolfman Bookstore. Hope you can come—bring friends & family!Read about this exciting event on AnitaGailJones.com!
World Book Day
Read new post on my new site and subscribe while there! https://anitagailjones.com/world-book-day/
Headlands Spring Open House ~ This Sunday
You’re invited to join the fun this Sunday for my final Headlands Open House. Please read all about it by visiting my NEW WEBSITE: ANITAGAILJONES.com!* *Yes, I am phasing out this Peach Seed Monkey site after seven wonderful years. I hope you faithful subscribers will visit the new site and sign up there to CONTINUE… Continue reading Headlands Spring Open House ~ This Sunday
AnitaGailJones.com: Now Live!
Thanks in large part to your faith in this work, Peach Seed Monkey begins searching for our publisher, and I’m pulling back curtains to show my own backstory, and little known facts. AGJ.com has lots of new content, photos, audio/video and more. A fellow writer and dear friend and I are heading to a mega… Continue reading AnitaGailJones.com: Now Live!
New Look—New Lease…
As of this Friday, The Ides of March*—I will be moving to a new site—Anita Gail Jones—in preparation for query process kick off at AWP conference in two weeks. Always, thankful to you for following PSM. I cherish our visits inside the warm wood walls (alliteration couldn’t be helped), but WordPress has retired this theme… Continue reading New Look—New Lease…
On the Move…
Long time, no see! Heading to Portland, Oregon later this month for the AWP Conference, but first, let me tell you this, which you won’t believe: For over two months, I’ve been immersed in a mind-numbing, tedious but extremely rewarding pass back through my manuscript to rein in my overuse of “the”. Yep. What can… Continue reading On the Move…
Women’s March San Francisco ~ January 19, 2019
Once again, joining millions of women world wide, on Saturday, January 19, 2019, Women’s March San Francisco will host a rally and march, kicking off at San Francisco’s Civic Center Plaza at 11:30 a.m. with a lineup of speakers who advocate and organize on and around topics central to the Women’s March mission to work… Continue reading Women’s March San Francisco ~ January 19, 2019