Paris ~ Part 1: Give and take

Paris is a big girl. She’s been on her on for a long time. After 2000 years of rites and passage, she has not always made the most compassionate choices where other folk are concerned—even her own folk—yet she’s still around to share her story. She grew up fast, once launched from her birthplace on… Continue reading Paris ~ Part 1: Give and take

Land Fillharmonic

Even extreme poverty cannot destroy the will of art; living in the souls of the oppressed and revealed in a myriad of ways. 


Sometimes we adults get so caught up in being grown that we miss the point completely. Happened to me recently. One day a week I work with “at risk” teens in a school garden. Because of a deer problem, the garden is a small 8′ X 10′ fenced in space with a few raised beds… Continue reading Libations

Categorized as The Skinny

Congratulations Catholic Church! Now. It’s time to CHANGE some things.

Pope Francis ~ We’re ALL counting on you. “Our gift to the church is to be with those who have been made poorer, with those on the margins. Questions there are much less black and white because human realities are much less black and white. That’s where we spend our days. – Sister Pat Farrell This… Continue reading Congratulations Catholic Church! Now. It’s time to CHANGE some things.

Move over Gen Y ~ Boomers need room to party

I feel sorry for Gen Y. Poor things. We Boomers were lucky—our parents didn’t like our music in quite the same way. But in music concerts all over the world these hip young folk are forced to witness the party animal coming out in us old fogies because—let’s face it…they ain’t the only ones that… Continue reading Move over Gen Y ~ Boomers need room to party