On the Move…

Long time, no see! Heading to Portland, Oregon later this month for the AWP Conference, but first, let me tell you this, which you won’t believe: For over two months, I’ve been immersed in a mind-numbing, tedious but extremely rewarding pass back through my manuscript to rein in my overuse of “the”.  Yep. What can… Continue reading On the Move…

Celebrating 4 Years!

Wooo–whooo!! THANKS to YOU—devoted Followers—this blog is 4 years old! To celebrate I’m launching a new feature: IN A NUTSHELL: an audio blogcast where I will share my writings, research interviews ~ and what not. This first episode is a revised version of the pages I read on Friday, October 23 at Rant & Reverie, a fundraiser for Novato (CA)… Continue reading Celebrating 4 Years!

Nia ~ An Inspired Wave

Writing and Life intertwine in interesting ways.   It’s been a while since I posted—too busy with life and writing, each taking me into uncharted territory. Revising the novel results in a blur between fiction and life sometimes as my characters throw in their own commentary on what’s going on in my life.