My Father ~ Silas Jones ~ An Inspiration

Independence Day Musings ~ My father, Silas Jones, was born in 1921 in Putney, Georgia—a widening-in-the-road near Albany. I remember one summer when I was home—most likely during my Brooklyn, New York years: 1979-1985, we drove “down home” to visit my mother’s people in Bainbridge/Camilla. We were at a cousin’s house where the TV played… Continue reading My Father ~ Silas Jones ~ An Inspiration

President Obama: “What could more American than this?” [Bloody Sunday]

Last night I read from John Garner’s The Art of Fiction about the theory of the “fictional dream”—a notion that the writer makes us “see” the story by giving us images that appeal to all our senses, eliciting emotion. I thought of this as I watched President Obama’s electrifying speech delivered this past Saturday in Selma Alabama on… Continue reading President Obama: “What could more American than this?” [Bloody Sunday]

JFK’s Civil Rights Speech: June 11, 1963

50 years ago last month, President Kennedy spoke boldly and eloquently from the Oval office in response to the National Guard being sent to protect African-American students at the University of Alabama. Kennedy’s words ~ “We are confronted primarily with a moral issue. It is as old as the scriptures and as clear as the… Continue reading JFK’s Civil Rights Speech: June 11, 1963