One step closer in the long road to publishing…
Tag: Writing process
The Gift of a Deadline
Hope 2016 is off to a great start for all of you. This post will shed light on the cryptic photo I posted New Year’s Day which simply read: ©2016. The box in the above photo was under the tree waiting for our daughter when she returned on Dec 24th from 4-month study abroad in… Continue reading The Gift of a Deadline
Upcoming Reading ~ This Friday, Oct. 23 in Novato
Hello All…long time no see, but I’m back with good news: I’ll be reading from the homestretch draft of my novel, Peach Seed Monkey, this coming Friday here in Novato, CA. I hope you locals can come out and join the Rant & Reverie to raise money for the renovation of Novato Theatre. Update ~ Early last… Continue reading Upcoming Reading ~ This Friday, Oct. 23 in Novato
The POTUS edits himself
Writers: wherever you are working away in your little secluded corner of the world, searching for just the right word, draft after draft, seeing President Obama’s Inaugural Address revisions will make you feel better. And remind us that it’s all about process. This photo was taken by White House photographer, Pete Souza:
Character Interviews (i.e.,talking to myself)
For years on my daily morning walks I carried small notebooks and a pen for ideas about stories, homeschooling, etc. Even though I obviously know the value of the spoken word, (being an oral tradition storyteller), for some reason I felt better about writing the notes. Until one day
Oh ~ So this is what a first draft feels like!
I promised to keep y’all updated on the progress of Peach Seed Monkey so here I am (finally) with a real update. Thanksgiving is two days away so I’m also here to give thanks ~ first to you for visiting/reading/subscribing to the PSM blog. It’s been quiet the past couple of weeks for good reason… Continue reading Oh ~ So this is what a first draft feels like!